What's New

NowForce version 6.2.1 and 6.2.2's new features and major user interface upgrades are detailed below.

New in Dispatcher

Re-branded Dispatcher

New Intellicene branding on the Dispatcher log in screen.

Zoho Support Integration

Intellicene has migrated all support ticket management to a new service provider, Zoho. This new integration is supported by the Zoho widget in both the Dispatcher and Mobile app.

NowForce users can access the following support resources directly from within the widget:

  • Check the system status page

  • Access the NowForce Help Center

  • Chat with our new interactive NowForce HelpBot, recently created in our Hackathon.

  • Create support tickets directly from the widget

  • Access the release notes

Incident Panel Updates

Default Search Tab - Incident ID

The Incident ID tab opens as the default tab for a new search is initiated in the Incident panel.

Filter by Incident Owner

You can now easily search or filter Incidents by the user who opened an Incident, called the incident owner. The incident owner can be a mobile responder, dispatcher, or administrator user. When searching or filtering in Incidents, select the People in Incident tab and type the name that you want to search in the Owner box.

The owner of each incident is listed in the Incident Log.

Export Incidents with all Forms Data

From the Incident panel you can click on the Export to Excel button to open the Export Incidents Data window.

Select the timeframe and Incident Type and then click Export to download the Excel file.

  • If you leave the Incident Type blank all types will display in the export.

  • The system can export up to 50,000 incidents in a single batch, exceeding this number will prompt a notification.

This feature is only available to Admin users and requires that popups are enabled in the browser.

Centering the Map

The Center Map button allows you to recenter the map according to the defaults (lat and long coordinates and zoom level) set in your control center settings.

Clicking the icon will center the map and zoom levels based on the currently provided Map Zoom settings in the Control Center's Geofences.

The Map default can be defined for each Control Center individually.

Modifying an Incident Location using Pin Map

The new Pin map to set incident location button allows you to easily change the incident to a new location directly on the map.

Clicking the Pin map to set incident location button on the Incident's details enables you to place the incident at a new location on the map in a single click. A confirmation window appears confirming the location change.

You can also change the location within the on the Incident Management Panel, clicking the Pin map to set incident location icon once more, and selecting a new location on the map.

The new incident location is updated in the incident details and is logged in the incident log.

New Alerts Available

Now the NowForce system has been updated to describe three alerts to the dispatch user that a new incident has been created on the system:

  • New Incident - Dispatcher: This alert lets you know a new incident was opened by another dispatcher.
  • Delayed Incident - Reporter (offline report):  This alert lets you know that an offline report from a Mobile App user, has been received successfully by the system, for more information, see Reporting a New Incident in the Mobile App.
  • New Incident - Reporter: This alert lets you know that a Mobile App user has created a new report to the system and a new incident has been opened.

New Close Incident Reason

You can now configure a requirement for all dispatchers to include a reason when closing an incident. In the Settings, you can create a list of reasons for incident closure. When closing an incident, the Close Incident Reason message window appears with the predefined reasons available to be selected from the dropdown, to support the reason, More Details can be added in the text box.

You can also search all Incident Closed along with the Incident Canceled reasons inside of the Incidents Details tab in the Incidents Panel search.

Revamped System Configurations

The System Configurations have been reorganized into new groupings and each configuration and tooltip explanation has been edited for clarity and meaning.

In addition new configurations were added to the system for Mobile Devices, these are detailed below.

Flexibility in Mobile Permissions

By default, only the granting of Location permissions is mandatory and without this being granted, the mobile application is blocked. However, now each organization can elect to override this default permission requirement. An Admin user can decide to modify the default requirement by either hardening or softening the requirement.

Harden the default requirement:

Selecting the Require all app permissions enforces the users to grant all permissions. This also supports the total functionality of the mobile app.

Soften the default requirement:

Selecting Location Setting Requirement grants the user the ability to use the app without the location permission. This will require the user to select permissions to switch on permissions to gain access to functionality.

Support SOS Near POI Only

Organizations focused on facility based activities can now set the range for SOS activation based on mobile user's proximity to a predefined POIs, in line with their incident management SLA protocols. Setting the configuration, New incident location uses POI, for your organization has the additional functionality of blocking SOS when mobile users are farther than the defined distance from POIs. Once the user moves closer to the POI this functionality is restored. When the SOS is blocked, a popup prompts the user to call the local authorities.

New in NowForce Mobile App

Privacy Enhancements in App Permissions

The Mobile permissions have been redeveloped into simple and clear language. Our new UI describes the full list of app permissions.

  • Describes why each permission is required for smooth app functionality.
  • Permission requirement level is clearly shown - so the user can see if the permission is a mandatory or recommended.
  • The status of each permission is shown to the right.

The user always has access to the User Permissions in the app settings.